The Philanthropic Atheist
Do people truly believe?
The Philanthropic Atheist; a body of work comprising 5 screen prints on paper, 5 oil, watercolour and Indian ink paintings on gesso prepared board and leaflets with UK Ministry of Defence attestation texts on loyalty.
The research for this project has been mainly about the exploration of human ethics opposing duty and truth, greed, power, ambition, apathy and time. This exploration has led to philosophically aesthetic encounters with Artistotle, Adam Smith, Slavoj Zizek and James Joyce’s literary works Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.
The intention has been to provide visual links between Aristotle’s 322 BC and contemporary society. With Adam Smith’s 18th Century, James Joyce’s 20th Century and Slavoj Zizek’s 21st Century placing thinking into the context of elapsed time. Referring to these ethical and political concepts has inspired Kilfeather to propose that perhaps over time, very little, if anything, ever changes. Including human nature, the, in reality, 'non-existence of continuity', hidden by deceitful, perceived, statutorial or financial motivations to lie about the individual person's unavoidable independent thinking.
First exhibited in September 2011 at the historic and defunct military Point Barracks at The Round Tower Portsmouth UK.
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