Des Kilfeather's explorations and world-wide, 'total equality' exhibiting with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With Facebook being the key Des exhibiting, (such as NFT), agenda due to its suitability to support philosophical descriptions with world-wide interest groups such as Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious and James Joyce's Ulysses.
Des Kilfeather, the Artist.
Des Kilfeather's artist Facebook page, which everybody is invited to join and befriend.
The Collective Unconscious, a Relational Art Project
Déjà vu, (Synchronicity), coincidence, Carl Jung, quantum physic's particle entanglement, human connectivity.
The James Joyce Aesthetic (Esthetic)
Celebrating James Joyce and Kilfeather's research into ethics and contemporary society.
The Ethic Aesthetic
Kilfeather's aesthetic, philosophy of art research notes.
Trafalgar 200 Through the Lens
Pre-aesthetic, editorial Kilfeather: 200 years since the Battle of Trafalgar.
Des Kilfeather - NFT Art Revolution
Des's History, Today, the Future revolution. NFT Galleries and Auctions.
Instagram - Des Kilfeather
Short versions of Des's Social Media engagement with Instagram.
Twitter - Des Kilfeather
Des's new Twitter subscription.
YouTube: History Today the Future
Evolution through video sequences, ethical philosophy art, physical to virtual.