The Universal Unconscious - Des Evolution All Works Connecting > The Universal Unconscious - Everything and Everyone Connects > B Peace No War
The philosophical aesthetic of Des's physical artworks and their NFT Digital Evolutions, proposes that everything and everyone is connected. Perhaps first suggested scientifically through Quantum Particle Entanglement theories. Particle partners, science theorises, move at virtually exactly the same time, even when Billions of Light Years apart. Des's artworks potentially connect together with options into Infinity? With NFTs being, today, a method of exhibiting that theory? Main title of first series of paintings —Introibo ad altar Dei; referring to James Joyce and Ulysses but of course mostly inspired through exploring Carl Jung and his "Collective Unconscious" with evolving world research into the "Universal Unconscious", suggesting human beings, other animals and vegetation are all connected. All of Des's art thereafter being inspired by such...
B Peace No War 
 Peace No War
NFT evolving oil paintings; part of the Des –Introibo History Today the Future Series.

Art demonstrates perspective valid differences. Even in this title. Want to hear that? Truth in totality, from each other‘s society perspective, always hidden, preventing a ‘peace’ solution. Each-and-every Leader must present total truth, now. Justifying the sacrifice of human life; to an agreed valid, equality, international evidence fact court.

Image early days inspiration: UK cold war advice leaflets. When the sirens go, put large X shaped taping onto windows and have children crouch on their knees and elbows under a table. Of course, taping windows prevents glass from fragmenting into tiny slivers, so only large chunks will fly around the room. Today’s logic any better?

The oil painting in this image is currently in the confidential National Collection of a country which is itself managing difficult times.

No War.
B Peace No War 
 Peace No War
NFT evolving oil paintings; part of the Des –Introibo History Today the Future Series.

Art demonstrates perspective valid differences. Even in this title. Want to hear that? Truth in totality, from each other‘s society perspective, always hidden, preventing a ‘peace’ solution. Each-and-every Leader must present total truth, now. Justifying the sacrifice of human life; to an agreed valid, equality, international evidence fact court.

Image early days inspiration: UK cold war advice leaflets. When the sirens go, put large X shaped taping onto windows and have children crouch on their knees and elbows under a table. Of course, taping windows prevents glass from fragmenting into tiny slivers, so only large chunks will fly around the room. Today’s logic any better?

The oil painting in this image is currently in the confidential National Collection of a country which is itself managing difficult times.

No War.
© Des Kilfeather

Peace No War
NFT evolving oil paintings; part of the

Des –Introibo History Today the Future Series.

Art demonstrates perspective valid differences. Even in this title. Want to hear that? Truth in totality, from each other‘s society perspective, always hidden, preventing a ‘peace’ solution. Each-and-every Leader must present total truth, now. Justifying the sacrifice of human life; to an agreed valid, equality, international evidence fact court.

Image early days inspiration: UK cold war advice leaflets. When the sirens go, put large X shaped taping onto windows and have children crouch on their knees and elbows under a table. Of course, taping windows prevents glass from fragmenting into tiny slivers, so only large chunks will fly around the room. Today’s logic any better?

The oil painting in this image is currently in the confidential National Collection of a country which is itself managing difficult times.

No War.

All images ©Copyright Des Kilfeather